Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Diabetes and Kidney disease

Chronic Kidney Disease has become the final frontier for many Diabetic patients.

With improvement in Diabetes care and introduction of newer generation of antidiabetic medications- the average lifespan of Diabetics has been increased. But alas as Diabetes progresses and if the glucose control falters - kidneys get adversely affected.

Fortunately the status of Kidneys can be assesed by a simple urine test called Microalbumin. This test detects even very small quantities of proteins being secreted through the Kidneys into the urine, and serves as the earliest sign of damage to kidneys. At early stages this damage can be arrested by good control of Diabetes and Blood Pressure and further deterioration of kidney function prevented.

Kidneys perform a very important work of filtering out the toxins and unwanted substances from the blood stream and even reabsorb if some useful substance is leaked out on the way, Kidneys also have a secretory function- they produce some very important hormones which are helpful in producing Hemoglobin, Controlling Blood Pressure and even regulating the immune system.

If kidneys do not perform their function filter the toxins accumulate inside our body and cause damage to all organs.Body is in a constant state of inflammation which increases the chances of Heart Attack and Stroke, Damage to kidneys is progressive and ultimately a stage is reached when only Transplant can save a persons life- this is termed as End stage renal disease ( ESRD).

Its very important to control Both Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure to prevent the irreversible damage to Kidneys and lead a healthy life.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Managing Diabetes - Easier than you thought

The aim of managing Diabetes is to keep blood glucose levels as close to the target range as possible. It can also refer to dealing  with short term events such as high & low blood sugar to controlling over the long and short term complications. Diabetic people should focus on some important point regarding the management of Diabetes as given below;

Monitoring blood sugar levelDiabetes is asymptomatic so people dont realise that the sugar levels are high. A blood glucose monitor is an excellent tool for managing diabetes. - Many people are very familiar with its uses, but of course it would be new for others. Diabetes Doctor in Delhi say that testing before & after meals can be useful technique for measuring how different meals affects your sugar levels & help to improve our diet & dosage.
Take a balanced Diet -Follow a healthy eating plan that’s naturally rich in nutrient and low in fat as well as calories. A balanced diet contains fruits (apples, apricot, pears, plums, peaches, grapes), green vegetables and whole grain. In fact, Diabetic diet is the best eating plan for everyone said by Diabetologist in Delhi.    
Exercise Regularly- Exercise is good for everyone, specially for people with diabetes. It’s also an important part of diabetes treatment because exercise can improve your body capability to respond to Insulin. So exercise daily, which helps to lose extra fat from the body and makes you more active and also keeps you in good mood.
Medication- Type 2 Diabetes can help blood glucose levels from rising too high. Some of us may be able to keep our blood glucose levels in the right range without needing medication, but the majority of people with type 2 diabetes take some form of medication.
Weight loss- More your abdominal fat, the more resistant to insulin your bodies become & therefore our glucose levels increases, losing weight & reducing your abdominal fat can increase the Insulin sensitivity. So it’s very important to manage your weight according to your height.