Saturday, November 29, 2008

Road to Control

There are few things which are in the hand of each Diabetic- his/her fundamental right to control.

What to control:

Longing for foods- Food habits, likings, disliking, tastes are formed over a long period of time, not just days or weeks but over years, it may not be possible to change them altogether in a day! Not only does the human being get used to a particular taste or flavors but also the quantity of food consumed by ourselves. We have taught ourselves to like or dislike particular Foods which we consider tasty , If we fully understand the need for a change we can successfully teach ourselves to appreciate and enjoy new different foods, discover the yet unexplored new frontiers of our taste buds.

If we eat more our stomach expands and we get used to more food being consumed with each meal- thus our expectations increase and we do feel full enough until the stomach has expanded that much. If we start eating lesser amounts our stomach contracts and gives our brain the signal of fullness earlier- so we eat less food.

Essential steps in controlling diet:

UNDERSTAND- what foods are to be preferred, what have to be avoided, what are the approximate quantities of the foods which you should take.

Start by modifying what you are taking already. Understand the concept of glycemic index which is as important as good or bad food for diabetics.

  1. Start with at least one item and control its intake…slowly add more to this list. Soon you would find yourself a more confident and in CONTROL. For example- if you are fond of cheese, first decrease from 4-5 to 2-3 cubes / slices.
  2. Once in control and confident try new diets, bring changes to your menu.
  3. The change you bring in your food should be consistent….few days of control are not enough..Diabetes requires lifelong Control.


1. Decrease the total quantity or portion sizes of the food which you are consuming abundantly but are not favorable for a Diabetic. For example if you were consuming four slices of bread in your breakfast make it three…then two. If you were putting a thick layer of butter on the toast make it thin. If you were taking four roti’s make it three..

Also see DIET TIPS for more details


1. Try other food items, those considered or as advised by your doctor or nutritionist to be preferable for Diabetics. For example if you’d been taking white bread in breakfast try to substitute with, Breads with whole wheat flour and other coarse grains. Instead of taking Naans take roti. If you were taking precooked cereals switch over to semicooked or uncooked ones which you may prepare yourself- ( uncooked cereals have lesser glycemic index as they undergo lesser processing as compared to the precooked and ready to eat breakfast cereals) Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in India and all over theWorld

Monday, November 17, 2008

Diabetes – More than just Blood Sugar

Diabetes – More than just Blood Sugar

Diabetes is more famous as ‘Blood Sugar’ in common parlance- Even doctors may also ask- Do you have Blood Sugar? But little do we know that Diabetes is a lot more than just rise in Blood Sugar levels. Diabetes actually is more about Energy storage and use- about growth and development. As one of the hypothesis of development of Diabetes goes- ‘the thrifty genes theory’- our ancestors were too dependent on the vagaries of weather, rain, floods , famines for food ; During the times of a good harvest they would eat well and their bodies make huge stores of energy inside ( as fats) - which would help them survive famines and floods. But with the onset of farming, food security increased – food became available throughout the year to all, but the body is still working in its old ways- conserving energy and depositing it as fat.
Fats are the most concentrated form of energy in our body, 1 gm of fat provides 9 kcals, more than twice as much as 1 gm of glucose. A 60 kg male may have upto 15 Kg of fat while a female of same weight may have up to 20 kg of fat. 20 Kg of fat can provide sufficient heat to boil 1800 litres of water or make 9000 cups of tea!
Hormone insulin has a pivotal role to play in the process of fat storage and utilization. After intake of meals Insulin not only decreases blood glucose but also promotes storage of digested fats into fat cells ( storage department of fat). During absence of fats in the blood insulin promotes their utilization from fat stores. This is why many Diabetics are obese (specifically those suffering from type 2 Diabetes). This type of Diabetes is caused due to insulin resistance i.e.. body cells become resistant to the actions of insulin- hence more and more of insulin is required to bring about the same glucose lowering - the excessive insulin results in large fat deposits- which themselves cause more insulin resistance and destroy the insulin producing beta cells in pancreas because of toxic effects of fat; this forms a vicious cycle which ends up in clinical Diabetes and its numerous side effects.
Insulin also encourages protein formation – proteins are the building blocks of our body. Presence of insulin in blood stimulates, whereas its deficiency causes destruction of proteins- This is the reason that mothers with Pregnancy induced Diabetes have large babies ( Due to excessive insulin because of insulin resistance) whereas Type I Diabetics are generally thin ( since they do not have insulin of their own).
Its not necessary for a Diabetic to completely stop eating sweets, bread, rice etc. Whats more important is the how the food gets digested and absorbed by intestines. Partially cooked foods would not be immediately absorbed and slowly increase blood glucose, Long grain rice like Basmati also gives slower rise in glucose, Breads with dietary fibre and whole grains may also prevent sudden rise of glucose levels, Green vegetables and fruits are also slowly absorbed. A diabetic has to be innovative and find things suitable both for the palate and the body, this is not difficult- leave alone impossible.
Exercise perhaps is one of the boons that a Diabetic enjoys. Perhaps there would be very few conditions afflicting the human body where a pleasant stroll could double up as treatment. Exercise not only helps consume the excess glucose and fat it increases blood flow to heart, muscles of legs, kidneys, decreases blood cholesterol, increases protective cholesterol. Exercise works as a medicine- it increases insulin sensitivity, which helps the body to more avidly respond to insulin and decreases its total quantity.
Every Diabetic’s foremost need and responsibility is to understand the disease, this condition requires continuous attention, application of the patients creative mind, innovation- what to eat? When to eat? How to prepare? How to increase physical activity? These questions have to be answered by each Diabetic individually, off course with the help of a Doctor or a trained professional.
Diabetes requires Total control- for total success.
Wishing all Diabetics Good control over Diabetes, Healthy and happy life on the occasion of World Diabetes day.

Dr. Rajesh Kesari M.D Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in India and all over theWorld

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why are Indians more prone to Diabetes and what should we watch for ??

Yes indeed indians are more prone to Diabetes than Europeans or africans. The reason perhaps lies in our genes.
The 'thrifty genes hypothesis' which has gained considerable popularity mentions that in ancient times human race lived through the alternating times of famine and abundance- specially in our subcontinent. During the times of abundance body would store energy to survive droughts & famines - these stores are by the way of fats.
But in the modern era - food supply is abundant while physical work and more over hardships of famine are completely gone.
Our body still keeps on storing energy ( fat deposits) without subsequent utilizations, this leads to rise in blood lipids ( fats), damage to pancreas due to excessive glucose and fats in blood, excessive insulin requirements- insulin resistance, damage to blood vessels, formation of atheroscler otic plaques and its complications like Heart attack, stroke etc.
Important thing to watch for is Intra Abdominal deposition of fat. This is more harmful than subcutaneous fat deposits. But it can be used as a measure to predict the possiblity of Diabetes and insulin resistance.
  • in males the maximum abdominal girth should be less than 100 cms
  • in Females less than 87.5 cms

It may be easier to understand pear or apple shaped body, apple shaped body with largest abdominal girth predisposes to higher intra abdominal fat and its complications.

Abdominal girth should be measured as the maximum circumfrence of the abdomen near the umblicus.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Holy Navratras - Fasting & Feasting

The holy Navratras are associated with prayers and fasting all over India.

But Fasting and Feasting have special significance for Diabetics.

During prolonged fasting when no food or water at all is taken, the blood glucose levels may drop down causing hypoglycemia (this is a serious complication and may result in irreparable damage to brain).
This may specially be aggravated in patients taking either insulin or on frequently used oral medicines like Glimeperide ( Amaryl etc. ), or Glibenclamide ( Daonil etc. ).

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia are:

Sudden weakness
Palpitations( increased heart beat),
tremor of hands
Sweating on foreheadand hands
Difficulty in walking, performing simple tasks
Incoherent speech
Loss of consciousness

If any of these symptoms occur immediately put some sugar/ glucose / candy / sweets or a bread slice in your mouth and if the symptoms still continue seek medical attention.

It is also important to take sufficient amount of water during fasting periods - to avoid dehydration and resulting consequences.

During the periods of "fasting" many special "Fast-foods" are consumed for some people it may cause excess rather than deficiency of calories and carbohydrates. Most of the foods consumed in north india are fried, fried potatoes, nuts, seeds, halwa made from Singhara ( dried water chestnut) atta Kottu atta ( Buck wheat flour ) and rock salt or fruits etc. while restricting the intake of regular food grains and pulses like wheat, rice, daals etc and common salt.

Consumption of fruits is highly beneficial and preferable for diabetics, But consumption of fried Starchy foods like potatoes and water chestnut ( Singhara/ Kottu atta) is not recommended as this may result in increased blood sugar and cholesterol.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is Upma good for Diabetics

Upma is a traditional Indian dish prepared all over the country, Generally consumed as snack or for breakfast. Upma is prepared from Sooji ( semolina). Sooji itself is derived from wheat and high carbohydrate and calory content ( 75 gms of carbs per 100gms of semolina providing approx. 350 kcals of energy) single usual serving of upma is approx. 260 Kcals. But the biggest problems with foods made with semolina ( sooji) is their high glycemic index , such products are quickly absorbed into blood and result in quick and high peaks in blood glucose levels- this makes such foods undesirable for diabetics. Upma is often consumed with Nariyal chutney- which has high caloric value and is rich in saturated fats. Nariyal Chutney is therefore not recommended for diabetics.
One solution is making upma with soaked fenugreek seeds this decreases the absorption in blood and may prevent sudden blood glucose peaks. Here you can access this recipe for free. Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in India and all over theWorld

Monday, August 25, 2008

Corn & Wheat flakes for Diabetics

Question. Are Corn and wheat flakes good for Diabetics

Answer: Highly processed ready to eat Corn or wheat flakes may not be the best option for Diabetics- they have high glycemic index so they get absorbed into the system readily and give high post meal blood sugar peaks, But if the same flakes are taken in a less processed form ( simlpy put- those flakes which need some cooking to be done and cannot be had straight from the box) are a good breakfast option for Diabetics - rich in fibres and of low glycemic index hence they slowly get absorbed in the blood and do not cause peaks of blood sugar. Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in India and all over theWorld

Jaggery ( Gurh) and Diabetes

Question: Is Jaggery good for Diabetics?
Answer: Jaggery is unrefined sugar- In north India -it is made by boiling sugarcane juice, In parts of Southern and Eastern Indian states it is also made from dates. Its caloric content is only slightly less than sugar, ( 383 Kcal per 100 gms) so it is not recommended for Diabetics. Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in India and all over theWorld

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Singhara - Water chestnut

Question: Is Water chestnut or Water caltrop ( Singhara) good for Diabetics?
Answer: The seeds of Fresh Water chestnut consist mainly of starch and has carbohydrate content almost similar to that of potatoes it should be taken in moderate quantity ( 23 grams carbs per 100 gms weight giving approximately 115 kcals per 100 gms)
Dry singhara's carb contents are almost triple that of fresh- so singhara flour and dry singhara should be avoided by diabetics.
Indian women often use Singhara flour for preparations during festivals and fastings, Singhara flour contains approximately same carbohydrate contents as wheat flour- so it is advised to consume it in similar quantities as wheat chappatis. Dedicated to Diabetes care of Indians in dia and all over theWorld

Hello to Indian Diabetics and all those who are worried about them

This blog is an extension of my efforts to bring relief to all Indian diabetics and those who are involved on their care and treatment. Questions specifically related to management of Indian ( Asian) Diabetics would be addressed in the coming pages. Please do leave your comments and suggestions.

Control today for a healthy tomorrow