According to Diabetologists in Delhi many Diabetes patients perceive their
illness as a heavy burden both on the individual and the family, some patients
and their family members sometimes consider imposing restrictions on the
working or studies – which may not be true or required at all.
Diabetes Specialistin Delhi says Persons with Diabetes can perform very well in all spheres of
life, just as any other healthy person without Diabetes. Diabetes disease by
itself is not a handicap and does not require any restrictions to be imposed on
individuals. Diabetics should take all necessary steps to keep their Blood
Sugar, Cholesterol and Blood Pressure levels under control. This can be done by
Lifestyle management and some patients may require medications or Insulin
injections as well. Lifestyle management is the modification of all daily
activities of persons in such a way as to help achieve the primary goals of
Diabetes. Diabetes doctors consider Diet and
physical activity to be the two main factors which are important for Diabetic
Dr Rajesh Kesari Diabetologist inDelhi is personally of the opinion that Diabetes can infact be a boon on
disguise. Persons who are getting proper treatment and counseling understand
the importance of lifestyle management and are hence bound to lead a more
disciplined lifestyle, they get up early in the morning, go out for walks
regularly- this reflects in their performance in other spheres of their life as
So its better to control Diabetes
and lead a Happy and Active life- yes Diabetes can be controlled and should