Diabetes in Summers
Summer is a special season for all of us in India- We hate it at the same time we love it, The juicy fruits like Mangoes, Watermelon, Melons, Peaches, Apricots etc are loved by all and specially enjoyed by the kids during their Summer Holidays. But summers also bring the intolerable heat, Hot winds and a host of infections like Typhiod, Gastroenteritis, Viral fevers, Diarrhea etc.
Watermelon and Melon are also abundant during summers and
they are sweet too! But these can be
eaten by the Diabetics, infact they are recommended for Diabetics- they are
filling as they are mainly full of water, have some fibres and plenty of
vitamins and minerals. In moderate quantities like one bowl a day these may be good for Diabetics.
Lot of green vegetables are available during summers which
can be had as salads e.g. Cucumber, Tomatoes, Kakdi. Eating green uncooked
vegetables is very good for Diabetics, these vegetables have lots of fibres and
water together with vitamins and minerals, all these are very good for
Diabetics.These vegetables decrease the Glycemic index of whatever
food has been taken, which leads to their slower absorption and release of
glucose and consequently slower rise in Blood Glucose levels. Some salads like
Cucumbers and Kakdi are abundantly available during summers and are loved by
most Indians. Diabetes Specialists advise their patients to have plenty of
salads before taking any meals and in place of snacks.