Meeting your Diabetes Doctor more frequently keeps your Sugar levels under better control and faster…
According to the results of a study published in the Archives of INTERNAL MEDICINE September issue. Researchers analyzed data of more than 26000 diabetic patients the years 2000 and 2009, with uncontrolled Blood Glucose, Total & LDL Cholesterol levels and high Blood Pressure . They concluded that those patients who visited their Diabetes doctors more frequently were faster to control their Blood Glucose levels- those who visited their doctors on average once in a week or once in 2 weeks were able to achieve HbA1c levels of 7% or less ( indicating Good Control) in just 4.4 months as compared to others who took average of 24.9 months ( more than 2 years) to achieve same levels ; time to control BP to levels 130/85 was 1.3 months as compared to 13.9 months ( more than a year) for those who rarely visited their doctors, time to control LDL Cholesterol to less than 100 mg/dl was 5.1 months versus 32.8 months ( almost three years) for the same contingents. Not only this but also noticeable was that doubling the time between physician encounters led to an increase in time to control these parameters, clearly showing that frequent visits are necessary to bring Blood Sugar levels under control. An abstract of this article is available here..
When the Glucose and cholesterol levels are high pancreas is working under the considerable pressure of High Glucose and Lipids – which are toxic to the pancreas and decrease its ability to secrete the all important hormone Insulin. This is akin to flogging a sick horse to run faster. But once you bring Blood Sugar levels under control the pancreas is able to cope up with the increased workload fairly well and its easier to manage and maintain the same Blood Glucose levels.