Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why are Indians more prone to Diabetes and what should we watch for ??

Yes indeed indians are more prone to Diabetes than Europeans or africans. The reason perhaps lies in our genes.
The 'thrifty genes hypothesis' which has gained considerable popularity mentions that in ancient times human race lived through the alternating times of famine and abundance- specially in our subcontinent. During the times of abundance body would store energy to survive droughts & famines - these stores are by the way of fats.
But in the modern era - food supply is abundant while physical work and more over hardships of famine are completely gone.
Our body still keeps on storing energy ( fat deposits) without subsequent utilizations, this leads to rise in blood lipids ( fats), damage to pancreas due to excessive glucose and fats in blood, excessive insulin requirements- insulin resistance, damage to blood vessels, formation of atheroscler otic plaques and its complications like Heart attack, stroke etc.
Important thing to watch for is Intra Abdominal deposition of fat. This is more harmful than subcutaneous fat deposits. But it can be used as a measure to predict the possiblity of Diabetes and insulin resistance.
  • in males the maximum abdominal girth should be less than 100 cms
  • in Females less than 87.5 cms

It may be easier to understand pear or apple shaped body, apple shaped body with largest abdominal girth predisposes to higher intra abdominal fat and its complications.

Abdominal girth should be measured as the maximum circumfrence of the abdomen near the umblicus.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Holy Navratras - Fasting & Feasting

The holy Navratras are associated with prayers and fasting all over India.

But Fasting and Feasting have special significance for Diabetics.

During prolonged fasting when no food or water at all is taken, the blood glucose levels may drop down causing hypoglycemia (this is a serious complication and may result in irreparable damage to brain).
This may specially be aggravated in patients taking either insulin or on frequently used oral medicines like Glimeperide ( Amaryl etc. ), or Glibenclamide ( Daonil etc. ).

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia are:

Sudden weakness
Palpitations( increased heart beat),
tremor of hands
Sweating on foreheadand hands
Difficulty in walking, performing simple tasks
Incoherent speech
Loss of consciousness

If any of these symptoms occur immediately put some sugar/ glucose / candy / sweets or a bread slice in your mouth and if the symptoms still continue seek medical attention.

It is also important to take sufficient amount of water during fasting periods - to avoid dehydration and resulting consequences.

During the periods of "fasting" many special "Fast-foods" are consumed for some people it may cause excess rather than deficiency of calories and carbohydrates. Most of the foods consumed in north india are fried, fried potatoes, nuts, seeds, halwa made from Singhara ( dried water chestnut) atta Kottu atta ( Buck wheat flour ) and rock salt or fruits etc. while restricting the intake of regular food grains and pulses like wheat, rice, daals etc and common salt.

Consumption of fruits is highly beneficial and preferable for diabetics, But consumption of fried Starchy foods like potatoes and water chestnut ( Singhara/ Kottu atta) is not recommended as this may result in increased blood sugar and cholesterol.